
Feel free to browse around and learn about the lake and surrounding communities.

This is the UN-official news source

Due to the spam hitting the forum, now when you register you will be manually approved (or not). Use the contact form to explain you just registered for the forum, and who you are/ where you live/ who you know... etc...

Some site statistics are now posted, use the menu item to see how many people now visit our site.

There is new information for private parking members (menu item Private Parking)

The Feedback link on the menu to the left has been changed to directly go to an email page. Previously it went to a page, that had a link to the email page, which was unnecessarily confusing. So now it should be easier to email for help.

Some folks have found they had trouble with IE and the Forum BB.
The easiest solution is to use FireFox (see the menu item useful stuff for that and lots of other good software.)
It is due to some security setting on their IE, related to cookie handling.

  1. The easy fix is on the IE menu:
  2. Tools --- Internet Options ,
  3. Select the tab "Privacy",
  4. And half way down that page click on the button "Sites"
  5. Enter in the text field called: "Address of website:" www.bluesealake.ca
  6. And click the "Allow" button on the right.
  7. Then click "OK" at the bottom ,
  8. And click "OK" at the previous page, and you are done.
  9. Now Login will work for you on the Forum BB.

If you are looking for a distinctive gift, consider handcrafted pens Quality HandCrafted Pens From Rare Woods available at Hunter Wold Pens www.HunterWoldPens.com
The webmaster knows the fellow who makes these pens, has seen his workshop, and the incredible quality of the pens, so if you want a one-of-a-kind pen from an honest fellow, thats the place.
He does not pay to advertise here, but tell him or us when you buy a pen, that you saw it at the BlueSeaLake site, as it's somewhat satisfying to know.

The ice is out, water is high !

Your photo albums can be anything you like, they don't have to be about the lake, or even nearby, share your vacation photos.! Everyone is so nice, after upgrading the photo gallery, it turns out there was a problem, but nobody complained! Its fixed now, and to cut down the spam (if you see spammers please report them), send an email after you join the photo gallery, and you will be given special powers, if we know you, or some else knows you.

Grab your camera, take pictures, and upload them to your own photo gallery. You can make private and public albums. Comment on others photos, and even rate them!

It turns out a number of people coming to this site have IE6, Well that meant somethings did not display correctly as the site was tested using IE7 and Firefox. This has now been corrected. Join the forum/BB to keep current.

Important OFFICIAL news from the Mayor of our fine Village. Click here for the bilinque message Or read it in text format.

A simpler contact page is added, now you can directly send a comment to Webmaster.

Its here!. A forum for people to discuss things publicly. Anyone can register and use it. Select the menu item: Forum
On the right side you can register to allow you to post comments.
When done, you can return here by clicking on the sunset picture, or clicking on the right hand side menu item by the bluesealake logo.

Ducks on the dock